
Jenna is a calm and loving puppy. She just loves to lie on your lap and be loved. She is a Malti Poo. Her Daddy is AKC Champion . Her Mommy is A Malti Poo. She is Limited Registration. After a long day of playing with her toys, she can just relax on her bed and catch some puppy snoozes. When arriving to her new home, Rose will come up to date on vaccinations, vet checked, and pre-spoiled! Plus you will get her very own Puppy Book that has her care instructions, health records, parents pictures and health testing, tips for house training and pictures of her! She has also had Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) exercises. She loves to be dressed up and treated like the princess she is. Hurry, her bags are packed and she’s ready to venture to her new home!

She was born on 6-18-24

Her Price is $750.00

Sex: Female

Breed: Malti Poo
